team news
Novum 7 Year Anniversary

Recently we celebrated our seventh birthday with a cooking class at The Golden Pig!


The Novum team were challenged with preparing 4 entrees, which was followed by a shared main course and dessert (prepared by the experts). It was a great opportunity for the team to apply their creative flair in a different manner than their day-to-day!


Plenty of laughs were had and memories shared as we looked back on the past seven years. As we celebrated, we reflected on those who have supported us on our journey over the years: team members past and present; our clients, consultants, and contractors. We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to our growth and the roles they have played in shaping Novum into who we are today, and as we continue to go from strength to strength.


We look forward to another terrific year filled with exciting projects and team growth. Thank you all for being a part of our journey, and here’s to the next seven years!